Increase Your Trading Profits Within The Next Few Days By Automating Your Trading By Creating Trading Algorithms

want the tldr?

Each friday @ 12p est (4p UTC) i walk through my code from that weeks streams

essentially you turn my 20 hours of coding into ~30 mins

i cant give just anyone this super power

just the ones i trust most and actually would want to build with

so... over the next 30 days...

i will be hand selecting the top 1% of my most dedicated youtube subscribers

in order to join the inner circle

most wont make the cut

by application only

cost (if accepted): $1.99 per week

So you can cancel any week if you're not feeling it

New applications are now closed, sorry! You can still join the bootcamp below

first come, first reviewed. 1% of my youtube subscribers max

business contact:

Copyright 2024 - Algo Trade Camp - All Rights Reserved

Inner Circle Only: Zooms Every Friday at 12pm est / 4p UTC

i will be hand selecting the top 100 of my most dedicated youtube subscribers

in order to join the inner circle

most wont make the cut

But those who do get to see my most up to date code

every single friday at 12pm est i will be going over one special set of code

i understand it is hard to keep up with my live streams daily

so each friday i will be catching you up to speed

by application only

New applications are now closed, sorry! You can still join the bootcamp below


first come, first reviewed. 100 of my youtube subscribers max

business contact:

Copyright 2024 - Algo Trade Camp - All Rights Reserved